Media Training & Presentation Skills

Media & Presentation Training

Media & Presentation Training

Video Editing

Media Training

Presenting Skills

Media Releases

Client Reviews

Meet Your Trainer

Master your message with group or one-on-one media training

The mainstream media is a powerful tool to reach a wide audience. It can also make or break your reputation.
Learn how to maximise your media potential and prepare for a crisis.

Regional Media Specialist

We understand the media landscape is different in regional Australia. With 30+ years as an ABC journalist and Media Advisor working mostly in Central Australia and Far North Queensland, your trainer Kirsty Nancarrow can help you navigate your local, state and national media and deliver effective communications.

Own Your Story

Media Training

Media training students filming media presentation

Group Media Training

Learn how to develop – and stick to your key messages, set the agenda, remain calm and confident during interviews, and maximise your media opportunities. 

 Half day group workshop followed by one-on-one coaching, on-camera interview practice and feedback.

Individual Media Training

Ideal for CEOs, Mayors and key spokespeople. Build confidence dealing with the media, whether it’s sharing a good news story or fronting the cameras in a crisis. Includes on-camera interview practice. 

Delivered as a half day or 2 x 2 hour sessions.


Julia Gillard attends an Emotion Video media training presentation
Kirsty from eMotion Video giving a media coaching presentation in Cairns

Presentation Skills

Whether you’re addressing a staff meeting or an international conference, you’ll learn tips to make your message memorable and overcome your fear of being in front of an audience. 2 hour workshop.

Last Minute Interview  Training

Fronting the media soon? Hone your key messages and run through a mock interview to ensure you hit the mark in your media opportunity. Sessions from 1 hour.

Interview techniques at Emotion Video media training course

Meet your Trainer

Everyone has a story to tell. Kirsty Nancarrow has been helping share your stories for more than three decades as an award-winning ABC journalist, senior communications advisor, and media trainer.

In-person or online training with practical take-home resources and recordings of media interview practice.

Media Releases

A media release can help you get your story on television, radio, in newspapers and magazines to reach a bigger audience with your:


Public statement

New product or service


Ask us about this service and our media contacts database.

Our Clients

The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
The Central Land Council Northern Territory Logo
The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
Community Enterprises Queensland Logo
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service Logo
Crana Plus Logo

Client Reviews

I was about to become the President of the Cairns Chamber of Commerce, and Covid was about to become a reality and cause havoc, so I called Kirsty Nancarrow and booked a one on one four hour session. This proved the most invaluable training that I have ever undertaken. It was a supercharged session with some exceptional tips and tricks, and helped me take charge of my emotions, my fear and embrace the barrage of media. If you are someone who has to step into the limelight for your business or organisation, this will help you navigate and represent you and your cause in a clearer light. I have no hesitation on recommending this session.

Sally Mlikota

Cairns Chamber of Commerce

I engaged Kirsty to write a media release for my new book. She was swift to respond and thorough in her questioning to ensure the piece presented was in line with my vision and outcomes required. I would highly recommend her services.

Lesley Van Staveren


Kirsty ran a media training session for Cape York Natural Resource Management staff and extension officers. The feedback was 100% positive—participants all taking away new information. They’re now much more confident with their writing, filming and interviewing skills.

Robyn May

Communications Professional